The Parker is proud to embrace Philadelphia’s renowned Percent for Art program. Through this initiative, a portion of our project budget is dedicated to commissioning site-specific artwork for our building’s exterior.

meet the artists

Mz. Icar, an anonymous art collective predominately comprised of Black Women, stands at the intersection of artistic innovation and societal transformation. Their collective name, “racIzM” spelled backwards, serves as a guiding principle, symbolizing a mission to upend conventional constructs of gender and race.

Mz. Icar’s collective is an ensemble of multi-talented artists, each specializing in the distinct roles within our creative process. Among them, skilled illustrators, photographers, designers, prop stylists, street artists, and collage artists unite with a common vision. Together, we create art that celebrates the essence of Women, the global tapestry of Blackness, and the spirit of play.

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